Cataract Surgery
100% fee concession to students. Sponsored by Divya Prabha Trust.
Please email for any queries Eye care centers in India and abroad require trained personnel to help Ophthalmologists conduct eye examination and surgeries using sophisticated investigational and therapeutic equipments, operation theatre assistance, supporting nursing services etc. The course is designed to bridge the gap between the demand and availability of skilled human resource in this vital area.
Diploma in Ophthalmic Assistance
This is a 2year course conducted at Divya Prabha Eye Hospital. The course is approved by Bharat Sevak Samaj (promoted by the Government of India.) Eligibility
- Candidates should have passed/ failed plus two or equivalent examination preferably with science subjects as elective.
- The candidate must be physically fit.
- The final selection will be on the basis of marks of qualifying examination and interview.

Eye Technician
This is a oneyear course conducted at Divya Prabha Eye Hospital. The course is approved by Bharat Sevak Samaj (promoted by the Government of India) Eligibility
- Candidates should have passed SSLC or equivalent examination.
- The candidate must be physically fit.
- The final selection will be on the basis of marks of qualifying examination and interview.
Application forms & Prospectus can be had from the office of the Divya Prabha Eye Hospital on payment of Rs 50/. Incomplete application forms will be rejected. The candidate must fill up the application form in his/her own hand writing.
Eye Technician
- Copies of mark sheets of qualifying examination.
- A character and conduct certificate from the Head of the Institution last attended.
- Transfer Certificate from the school/college last attended.
- The candidates will be interviewed at Divya Prabha Eye Hospital by prior appointment along with guardian.
- There will be a medical check up of the candidates at the hospital
- The decision of the Board of selection shall be final and binding.
- The results will be announced by 10 AM, on 25 June 2012
- The selected candidates will have to hand over all the original certificates to the Institution. These certificates will be returned to the candidates after the completion of the course.
- 1st Year Rs. 10,000 in three installments (July, Nov. & March). Fully sponsored by Divya Prabha Trust.
- 2nd Year Rs. 10,000 in three Installments (July, Nov. & March). Fully sponsored by Divya Prabha Trust.
- Caution deposit: Rs. 3,000/
- Caution deposit will be refunded to the candidate after completion of the course and the contract period. If he/she leaves before completing the course or the contract period the caution deposit will not returned.
No accommodation is provided for candidates.
Rules relating to discipline/responsibilities
All students are required to attend the hospital throughout the course. Students will be posted in the wards, operation theatre, OPD and out reach programme of the hospital for practical training in rotation. Every students is required to attend lecture and practical training. A minimum of 80% attendance is required for eligibility to be sent up for examination. Leave: Unauthorized absence from the classes will be taken seriously and disciplinary action will be taken. Previous sanction from the Director should be obtained for all absence. If the absence is more than 3 days medical certificate should be produced
- One day off per week.
- 24 days of leave per year including sick leave and holidays.
- Any leave exceeding 24days per year (leave + holidays) will have to be made up at the end of the course to be considered for the examination.
- Application for leave must be submitted to the office one week in advance and the Applicant should avail leave only after the leave is sanctioned except in emergency circumstances.
Uniform: All students are expected to be in uniform during duty hours. Students are expected to adhere to the dress code prescribed by the institution. Boys should wear trousers and shirts half sleeves tucked in and their feet should be protected with socks and shoes. Girls should wear Salwar Kameez and Duppatta, socks and shoes. Girls should take care to tuck their hair. Any change from the dress code is permitted only with the consent of the Principal on special occasions.
Every student will be issued a photo id card. The ID cards should be displayed whenever they are inside the campus. The ID card will remain property of the hospital. All students shall record their local and permanent residential address in the Office. Change in address if any shall be immediately intimated. The hospital properties should be handled with maximum care and everything possible should be done to preserve the cleanliness, and tidiness of the building, furniture, library and premises. Fine will be imposed for damages to equipment, furniture, building etc.
Students are not supposed to loiter in or outside the premises, nor can they bring friends into the campus without permission. Students must not obtain employment elsewhere in any capacity during their Training period. No student can enroll for any other course, degree etc., during the student period without prior permission from the authorities. Every student shall provide himself / herself with the entire prescribed textbooks, instruments and accessories and other such articles, required for the classroom work.
Record Book
- Practical work like refraction/ retinoscopy and theatre/OPD techniques is an important part of the course. Practical record book containing the above information is to be submitted during the practical examination.
All students have to serve Divya Prabha Eye Hospital or another Hospital suggested by Divya Prabha Eye Hospital after the successful completion of the course, depending on vacancy. During this period they will be considered as employees of the institution with salary. This bond/contract is to be signed by the student that they will serve the Divya Prabha Eye Hospital for 1 year after the successful completion of the course.
Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited in the college according to the directions of the Government of India. Penalty measures to those found guilty of ragging will extend up to immediate expulsion from the college.
Use of mobile phone is not permitted in the hospital. Mobile phones must be kept switched off while in the hospital. Infringement of rules and regulations, breach of discipline, willful damage to the Institution properly, misconduct or disobeying the legitimate orders of Director/ Teachers by a student, may make her/him liable for strict disciplinary action as per the rules of the institution, which may even amount to expulsion from the institution.
Hospital Directors decision regarding the general discipline will be final. The method of teaching will be practical demonstration and the candidates will learn skills while working with senior staff under guidance of our doctors. The number of formal classes will be limited. The aim of the course will be to make the candidates to achieve placement in optical shops and eye care centres on completion of the course.
On passing out the candidates should be competent in the skills given below. Depending on exhibited competence the candidate will be given more exposure in the field in which she exels.
The duties and responsibilities of the candidate will include:
Out Patient Department
- Taking case history
- Testing visual acuity and errors of refraction.
- Charting visual fields.
- Instilling eye drops and medications
- Instructing patients about contact lens wear.
- Testing color vision.
- Testing for ocular motility disorders including binocular vision.
- Doing initial investigation before the Ophthalmologist sees them.
- Assisting the Ophthalmic surgeon in the OPD and in the ward
- Ultrasound sonography (only for candidates with exhibited competence)
- Maintenance of Ophthalmic equipment.
- Treatment to emergency eye patients.
- Performing Tonometry. (Only for candidates with exhibited competence)
- Recording BP
Front Office
- Making appointments
- Receiving patients
- Use of computers
Back office
- General secretarial functions
- Record keeping
- Computer Operations
Operation Theatre
- Giving pre and postoperative care to eye patients.
- Sterilizing & care of surgical instruments.
- Assisting the Ophthalmic surgeon in the theatre (only for candidates with exhibited competence)
Optical Shop
- Measuring lens power
- Fitting of Spectacle lens (only for candidates with exhibited competence)
- Computer entry
- Sales of Spectacle lens
Community Programs
- Vision screening
- Giving small presentations on eye care
- School screening programs
- General cleanliness
- Bed Making
- Making marketing plans
- Marketing calls
Dates to remember
- The selection will be on a first come first served basis. Please send the completed Application form to the Office as early as possible.
- Pay fees before 2 PM on 29/06/2015
- Class will commence on 03/07/2015

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